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Cracker Squire


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Location: Douglas, Coffee Co., The Other Georgia, United States

Sid in his law office where he sits when meeting with clients. Observant eyes will notice the statuette of one of Sid's favorite Democrats.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Do as I say, not as I do -- The Nov. 2 same-sex amendment and minding someone else's business.

We all know the adage about not discussing religion and politics in polite company.

Forget that for this post. I will sin for yet a third time and get into someone else's business.

And my readers know that I value and try to live by the words of the Master and Greatest Teacher of all times who taught in Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that ye not be judged."

For this post, forget that also.

The PI for 9-30-04 reports that "late in the day [Wednesday] came the news that a lawsuit aimed at blocking Georgia's Nov. 2 referendum had failed, at least in Round 1 [Round one meaning Judge Russell of course, as we thought based on the Judge's earlier comments, and subsequent rounds being around the corner for certain]."

This PI column reports that the powers-that-be have declared Georgia the longest of shots among states with respect to defeating the same-sex marriage at the ballot box.

Consequently, money — or the lack thereof — will and require a low-key campaign in Georgia. Low-key was noted to include door-to-door campaigning, followed by a personal phone call.

Why not a plug on a blog fellas. This is cheaper than it comes.

My opinion on this matter is of record, and thus all this post will do is pass along a somewhat wicked sort of thought that what occurred to me as I read the PI column.

First, I understand from this PI column that Georgians Against Discrimination (which I hereby and henceforth will refer to by the acronym "Gad" for the reason hereinafter noted) will be the main organization working for nay votes.

Theprior principal organization Georgia Equality is backing off and will go to work on related issues expected to surface during the next legislative session (such as bills to ban adoptions by gays and to bar their service as foster parents).

From reading this PI, the following occurred to me:

Gad is closer to God than the Christian Coalition is to Christianity (pick your variations, such as Gad has more in common/more to do with God than the Christian Coalition does with Christianity, etc.).

I know, I know (or at least I hope), I am better with politics than religion (at least politics that do not involve getting votes for myself as a candidate).


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