My solution to the illegal Cuban immigrant costing Douglas County $400,000: Take him to one of the birthday parties sponsored by Cynthia Tucker.

Today we read in the ajc about an illegal immigrant from Cuba who racked up an extensive criminal record, whose last arrest was for cocaine trafficking, and on whose behalf Douglas County so far has spent $400,000 in medical bills.
So what is the solution? No one in the metro seems to know.
I suggest someone contact Cynthia Tucker and see if adults are welcome to one of her birthday parties held in honor of the children of illegal immigrants, and let her take it from there.
In an August 13, 2010 column entitled "The US needs those babies born to illegal moms," she writes:
With sinking birth rates and longer lifespans, much of the industrialized world grows grayer every day. Throughout Western Europe, demographers worry about a population too old to work and pay the bills. Already, the Japanese, who have never cottoned to “outsiders,” are struggling to care for a citizenry with a significant share of seniors.
But, as several economists have noted, the United States has an advantage: We’re still having babies. Some of them, it turns out, are born to women without papers. Rather than changing the law and kicking them out, we ought to be celebrating them with birthday parties.
Whether the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution should to be changed is subject to legitimate debate. But this comment by Ms. Tucker about celebrating birthdays is one of the damnest things I have ever read, regardless of one's views on the illegal immigration situation and any possible solution.
Go right ahead Ms. Tucker and plan the birthday parties, and while at it, besides completely opening up the southern border, why don't you rent a flotilla and head for Haiti and Pakistan and bring the boats back full with those you deem able to help care and pay for our citizenry.
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