Wow: Things are tightening up in key Senate races tightening as candidates on both sides make unexpected gains.

From The Wall Street Journal:
Key Senate races are tightening as candidates on both sides make unexpected gains, suggesting that the final days in the battle for control of the chamber could be as volatile as any in recent memory.
Democrats who were all but written off, including Rep. Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania and Sen. Michael Bennet in Colorado, have revived and are pulling even with their Republican opponents in some polls.
Meanwhile, Republican challengers, including Dino Rossi in Washington and Carly Fiorina in California, who polls showed had slipped behind two Democratic incumbents, have drawn even.
Republicans need to capture 10 seats now held by Democrats to win a 51-49 Senate majority. Eleven Democratic seats are in play. Three are likely GOP pickups and the rest are too close to call. Democrats are within striking distance of one Republican-held seat, in Kentucky.
In Kentucky, a new Democratic poll suggests Democrat Jack Conway is catching up to Republican Rand Paul. This is one of the Democrats' few opportunities to snatch a Senate seat now held by Republicans.
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